BioRhythm Technologies
An AI-focused consulting firm that builds machine learning solutions to maximize business success for
companies and organizations across wide range of industries.
Built with: Dialogflow/Chatbot, TensorFlow, JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS/SCSS, Node/Express,
Burger Builder
An app that allows users to customize their burgers.
Built with: JavaScript, React, Redux, HTML, CSS Modules, Node.js, Firebase.
Contact Keeper
A contact management app.
Built with: React with Hooks, CSS, Node/Express, MongoDB, JWT authentication..
Landing page for a food delivery company.
Built with: jQuery, HTML5, CSS3.
A Chrome extension that can be used to style any webpage without the hassle of coding CSS.
Built with: JavaScript, React, Redux, Chrome Extension, HTML/CSS.
FAQ Chat Bot
An educational chat bot that is trained on students' frequently asked questions using Facebook's
Built with: JavaScript, React, Redux, Semantic UI, Node.js, Express.js, Sequelize/PostgreSQL,
Face Recognition Brain
An app that will detect faces in your pictures.
Built with: React, HTML5/CSS3, Tachyons, Node.js, Express, Knex/PostgreSQL, Clarifai API, Docker,
AWS Lambda/Serverless, Redis, JWT.
Yelp Camp
Lists campgrounds from all over the world.
Built with: JavaScript, HTML, Bootstrap/CSS, Node.js, Express, MongoDB/Mongoose, Passport.js,
Moment.js, Heroku, MongoLab..
Grace Shoppa
An online e-commerce platform that supports various types of users: unauthenticated guests, authenticated
users, and administrative
Built with: JavaScript, React, Redux, Webpack, Babel, HTML, Material UI/CSS, Node.js, Express,
Sequelize/PostgreSQL, Morgan,
Nodemailer, Passport/OAuth, Heroku..
GitHub Finder
An app to search Github profiles..
Built with: React, HTML5/CSS3, Netlify.
JavaScript Academy
Lists all campuses and students for JavaScript Academy.
Built with: JavaScript, React, Redux, Webpack, Babel, HTML, Semantic UI/CSS, Node.js, Express,
Sequelize/PostgreSQL, Volleyball, Chalk, Heroku..
TensorFlow.js Example: AND Gate
An app that allows users to train a neural network in the browser itself.
Built with: TensorFlow.js, React, HTML/CSS.
RESTful Blog App
A simple blogging app.
Built with: JavaScript, HTML, Semantic UI/CSS, Node.js, Express, MongoDB/Mongoose, Heroku,
Dad Jokes
React jokes app.
Built with: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS.
Yahtzee Game
Yahtzee game implementation.
Built with: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS.
Lights Out Game
A simple lights out game implementation.
Built with: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS.
Card Dealer
A simple deck of cards implementation.
Built with: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS.
Hangman Game
A simple hangman game implementation.
Built with: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS.
Patatap Clone
A simple clone of the Patatap portable animation and sound kit.
Built with: JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Paper.js, Howler.js
RGB Color Guessing Game
A game where user guesses an RGB color.
Built with: JavaScript, HTML/CSS
Number Guessing Game
A game where user guesses a number between 1-100.
Built with: JavaScript, HTML/CSS, jQuery
To-do List
React version of a todos app!
Built with: React, HTML/CSS
To-do List
A simple app where users can add/remove items to the to-do list.
Built with: JavaScript, HTML/CSS, jQuery
My Robot Friends
A progressive web app that will randomly generate robot pictures.
Built with: React, Redux, HTML5/CSS3, Tachyons, TypeScript, Prettier, Jest/Enzyme.
Vending Machine
A demo vending machine site.
Built with: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS.
Dog Finder
A demo vending machine site.
Built with: JavaScript, React, HTML, Bootstrap/CSS.
Purrfect Match
A demo landing page for a Human-Feline Matching App.
Built with: Bootstrap, HTML/CSS
Image Gallery
A demo image gallery page.
Built with: Bootstrap, HTML/CSS
Photo Blog
A simple photo blog page with some of my own pictures.
Built with: HTML/CSS
My Shopping Lists
A simple Android app that can be used to keep track of and manage your shopping list items.
Built with: Java, Android, SQLite
CRM - Customer Relationship Manager
A web app for performing various CRUD operations on customers.
Built with: Java, JSP/Servlet, Spring MVC, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, HTML/CSS
Pizza Order System
A simple demo stand-alone app for pizza ordering.
Built with: Java Swing
Intelligent Stethoscope Design
A DSP-based instrument for real-time classification of pulmonary sounds.
Built with: Assembly, MATLAB, Digital signal processor, Autoregressive modelling, Statistical
Signal Processing, Real-time classification, Classifiers and distance metrics