About Me

I am the founder of BioRhythm Technologies and a software engineer based in the Greater New York City Area. Throughout my career, I worked as a backend developer, trainer, documentation writer and business analyst. I have experience in Java, JavaScript, NodeJs, React, Redux, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server and Express. You'll notice from the wide range of projects that I love building all kinds of things! Check out the rest of my portfolio below and on GitHub!

Some of My Recent Projects

BioRhythm Technologies

An AI-focused consulting firm that builds machine learning solutions to maximize business success for companies and organizations across wide range of industries.

Built with: Dialogflow/Chatbot, TensorFlow, JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS/SCSS, Node/Express, MongoDB...

Burger Builder

An app that allows users to customize their burgers.

Built with: JavaScript, React, Redux, HTML, CSS Modules, Node.js, Firebase.

Contact Keeper

A contact management app.

Built with: React with Hooks, CSS, Node/Express, MongoDB, JWT authentication..


Landing page for a food delivery company.

Built with: jQuery, HTML5, CSS3.


A Chrome extension that can be used to style any webpage without the hassle of coding CSS.

Built with: JavaScript, React, Redux, Chrome Extension, HTML/CSS.

FAQ Chat Bot

An educational chat bot that is trained on students' frequently asked questions using Facebook's wit.ai API.

Built with: JavaScript, React, Redux, Semantic UI, Node.js, Express.js, Sequelize/PostgreSQL, HTML/CSS.

Face Recognition Brain

An app that will detect faces in your pictures.

Built with: React, HTML5/CSS3, Tachyons, Node.js, Express, Knex/PostgreSQL, Clarifai API, Docker, AWS Lambda/Serverless, Redis, JWT.

Yelp Camp

Lists campgrounds from all over the world.

Built with: JavaScript, HTML, Bootstrap/CSS, Node.js, Express, MongoDB/Mongoose, Passport.js, Moment.js, Heroku, MongoLab..

Grace Shoppa

An online e-commerce platform that supports various types of users: unauthenticated guests, authenticated users, and administrative users.

Built with: JavaScript, React, Redux, Webpack, Babel, HTML, Material UI/CSS, Node.js, Express, Sequelize/PostgreSQL, Morgan, Nodemailer, Passport/OAuth, Heroku..

GitHub Finder

An app to search Github profiles..

Built with: React, HTML5/CSS3, Netlify.

JavaScript Academy

Lists all campuses and students for JavaScript Academy.

Built with: JavaScript, React, Redux, Webpack, Babel, HTML, Semantic UI/CSS, Node.js, Express, Sequelize/PostgreSQL, Volleyball, Chalk, Heroku..

TensorFlow.js Example: AND Gate

An app that allows users to train a neural network in the browser itself.

Built with: TensorFlow.js, React, HTML/CSS.

RESTful Blog App

A simple blogging app.

Built with: JavaScript, HTML, Semantic UI/CSS, Node.js, Express, MongoDB/Mongoose, Heroku, MongoLab..

Dad Jokes

React jokes app.

Built with: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS.

Yahtzee Game

Yahtzee game implementation.

Built with: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS.

Lights Out Game

A simple lights out game implementation.

Built with: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS.

Card Dealer

A simple deck of cards implementation.

Built with: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS.

Hangman Game

A simple hangman game implementation.

Built with: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS.

Patatap Clone

A simple clone of the Patatap portable animation and sound kit.

Built with: JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Paper.js, Howler.js

RGB Color Guessing Game

A game where user guesses an RGB color.

Built with: JavaScript, HTML/CSS

Number Guessing Game

A game where user guesses a number between 1-100.

Built with: JavaScript, HTML/CSS, jQuery

To-do List

React version of a todos app!

Built with: React, HTML/CSS

To-do List

A simple app where users can add/remove items to the to-do list.

Built with: JavaScript, HTML/CSS, jQuery

My Robot Friends

A progressive web app that will randomly generate robot pictures.

Built with: React, Redux, HTML5/CSS3, Tachyons, TypeScript, Prettier, Jest/Enzyme.

Vending Machine

A demo vending machine site.

Built with: JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS.

Dog Finder

A demo vending machine site.

Built with: JavaScript, React, HTML, Bootstrap/CSS.

Purrfect Match

A demo landing page for a Human-Feline Matching App.

Built with: Bootstrap, HTML/CSS

Image Gallery

A demo image gallery page.

Built with: Bootstrap, HTML/CSS

Photo Blog

A simple photo blog page with some of my own pictures.

Built with: HTML/CSS

My Shopping Lists

A simple Android app that can be used to keep track of and manage your shopping list items.

Built with: Java, Android, SQLite

CRM - Customer Relationship Manager

A web app for performing various CRUD operations on customers.

Built with: Java, JSP/Servlet, Spring MVC, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, HTML/CSS

Pizza Order System

A simple demo stand-alone app for pizza ordering.

Built with: Java Swing

Intelligent Stethoscope Design

A DSP-based instrument for real-time classification of pulmonary sounds.

Built with: Assembly, MATLAB, Digital signal processor, Autoregressive modelling, Statistical Signal Processing, Real-time classification, Classifiers and distance metrics


Hi there! Thanks for getting in touch! I'd love to hear from you. You can either send me an email through the form below or send it to the email on the right. Thanks!